Fat Burner

Why to use fat burner?

Fat burners help people to achieve desired figure. Fat burners are supposed to help you with losing a fat, but they do not cause fat loss.

The role of fat burners is to support your fat loss, while working and applying diet. Your results will be visible faster with fat burners than without using it.

If you have heart problems or problems with high blood pressure, consult using fat
burners with your doctor.

Fat burner differences

Thermal based fat burners (caffeine, synephrine, capsaicin, green tea extract) raise the body temperature by several tenths of a degree and thereby increase its energy expenditure. Thanks to this, your body will need more energy to function and thus you will burn more calories and lose more weight.

Fat blockers (chitosan) are ideal for blocking absorption of fats. It works by binding water to itself, which creates a thick gel. It binds fat to itself and excretes it out of the body (said in simple way).

Appetite suppressant burners (synephrine, green tea extract, HCA) will help you resist your appetite, your caloric intake will be lower, and you will start to lose weight.

L-carnitine is a natural active substance that is responsible for the conversion of fats into energy. It ensures a supply of energy, saves muscle glycogen, thanks to which it enables longer and more intense physical performance. It also improves bone quality, strengthens immunity, and for men also improves the quality and quantity of sperm. Daily dosage should be around 500-2000 mg.

CLA prevents the storage of fat from food. However, this process is long-term and in order to achieve results, it is necessary to use this supplement for at least several weeks. The daily dose should range from 3200-6400 mg divided into 2-3 portions per day. Consume it with food.

HCA suppresses the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, suppresses appetite and has
anti-catabolic effects. Daily dose is approximately 1500 mg, divided into 3 portions at least 30 minutes before your meal.

Synephrine suppresses the taste for food, mostly for carbohydrates. It burns fat thermogenically, by increasing your body temperature slightly. If you consume higher amount of synephrine, digestive problems or higher body pressure may occur. If you observe these, try
to take lower dosage, or use different fat burner. Daily dosage should be in range 10-30 mg. This can be divided into three doses.

Green tea ordinary, but powerful fat burner. It increases the skin elasticity, acts against cellulite, accelerates, and detoxifies the metabolism. It lowers blood pressure, improves immunity and acts as a prevention against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Capsaicin well know fat burner from chili peppers. Before training increases using fat as an immediate source of energy. It has a fast onset of action and shortly after use your body
will get warmer and warmer.

Achieve your desired figure. Fat burners will help you to lose fat faster and more efficiently. Fat burners are well known and generally safe supplements, under condition that you do not exceed daily dosages. For some people, mostly with blood pressure issues, fat burner supplements should be taken only after discussion with your doctor.

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